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The same layer of multi channel anti dry floor drain

Product name:The same layer of multi channel anti dry floor drain

Product details

Same layer system
Enterprises in the development of 30 years, and constantly push to keep updated, with the booming market, the same layer system is constantly put forward new programs and measures, each patented product within the enterprise, each technology has to go through the experimental platform of repeated experiments, consulting industry experts, and constantly improve the technology, to achieve better products delivered to customers.
According to the analysis of the market, traditional wear plate structure drainage: not system, branch complex, P bend, S-shaped, bell, demolition flow type floor drain design prominent defects, due to the gravity and pressure drainage, drainage and blowdown need certain vertical height, in order to achieve the effect of flushing, serious influence floor height, the occupied space, is not easy to install shower equipment, maintenance is very convenient, drainage noise downstairs tenants, and fire, slide and other safety defects.
Product introduction
The same layer of multi channel anti dry floor drain: total height of 110mm&130mm
Professional system on the same floor floor drain, measuring flow structure effectively protect the smooth, with 5 cm of water seal and magnetic properties of the perfect combination, built into the structure of easy disassembly convenient cleaning.





DY type horizontal drainage floor drain dry magnetic anti national standard design atlas 04S301 thirty-ninth page

Product Name: DY-B type DY-G

Last:Same layer drainage system 】 【 Next:180 * 180 block proof floor drain (DW3-02) 】 【Return主目錄

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