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Product name:DY-B

Product details

The national standard design atlas 04S301 page fifty-sixth
According to the specific needs matching hardcover floor drain panel, mainly used for toilet use

There are 90 degrees, 180 degrees, one of three types of DY-B on the subject, under the main outfall in engineering series with 50 or 75.
DY-B type body and accessories are used high quality ABS engineering plastics, main body is composed of two parts, body water, built-in permanent magnet device, bucket body built-in basket type network, users can panel is removed, direct the net bucket clean, smooth surface should not be fouling. Under the main settings 5cm seal in accordance with national standards, water capacity, save water for a long time. Seal should be removable clean, in addition to the floor drain, subject and another two with a diameter of 50 water inlet, basin, bathtub or shower room drainage system can be directly connected to the, without another trap, together with the use of the standard water seal within the body. Recommended intake in two, using 75 outfall. The installation of two water inlet to basin and bath (or shower room) is arranged in the direction of the position, and finally fixed.

Last:A magnetic anti dry floor drain 】 【 Next:DY-G 】 【Return主目錄

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