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Product name:DY-D

Product details

The national standard design atlas 04S301 page fifty-second
According to the specific needs matching hardcover floor drain panel, mainly used for toilet use

DY-D type of a main body and accessories are used high quality ABS engineering plastics, Phi 50 water inlet has a can of phi 75, drain: Phi 50 or Phi 75.
DY-D type from the upper and lower three parts
Water tray of water evaporation and bee cockroaches, ants deposit] on the subject of pre buried in the floor, with Hebei waterproof ring, surface relief to floor joint, built-in permanent magnet device to prevent type D
Son and so on;
] is the main body of the universal three-way: interface (inlet) and the main interface through the interception of different length of 50 pipe connection, universal three-way interface (inlet) and wash basin or bath interface connection, universal three-way interface (drainage) and main D type universal water storage disc interface circling links, with glue fixation;
] is the main universal deposit water wheel according to the design flow, small drainage resistance, self-cleaning ability, memory 5cm water seal, the water seal memory water, water storage disc is connected with the universal elbow interface (inlet) and wash basin or bath interface. Finally, the water storage disc horizontal nozzle discharge. In the use of more than two water, should be application of 75 outfall.
The installation diagram

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